Amazon book review
Lots of valuable insights and info
May 31, 2017 – Published on Amazon.com
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I thought I’d heard everything about relationships (having read at least a hundred books on the topic, so was surprised to learn some new things. I had come to the conclusion that romantic love was an invention by humans, but the author insists it’s not, and that it’s a vehicle for deep growth, as the love object inspires us to become better, more evolved, willing to make sacrifices, and more open to cosmic love.
We only get a couple of chances at this true romantic love, he claims, and it happens by chance, not by choice. Many of us settle for what he calls “relationship employment” or another impostor of romantic love, “phantom romantic love.” But what if you’re stuck with one of these? The final chapter gives us tips on how to transform these to higher, romantic love. It is all about raising our awareness and becoming more mature in love.
The author concurs with what I’ve always said: Love at first sight is actually recognition from a previous life. (And he’s even written a book about reincarnation!)
The author provides tons of valuable info in this book including how to separate amicably, minimizing the pain; keeping romance alive; 4 characteristics of romantic love; “becoming the now” as opposed to “being in the now,” and much more. The book has case studies to prove his points and give examples. Each chapter has a couple of pages of discussion questions for couple or group study.
Susan Schenck, award-winning author of The Live Food Factor and several other books
A Journey; Not a “How To” Book
Vine Voice Top 1000 Reviewer, on May 28, 2017
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First of all, I would like to say that this book is far more than a book about that special romance feeling. While romance is handled in detail, Gerald Sze expands the image of soulmate to go beyond just two people attracted to each other and having a lot in common. It also deals with soulmates that you can never be in a romantic relationship with such as relatives. The Sacred Path of the Soulmate is a very comprehensive book on the topic dealing with infidelity and its causes and effects as well as one person being a soulmate in one way and someone else being a soulmate in another way. Implications of personal choices are explored, both positive and negative. Also, Gerald Sze ties in the Buddhist concept of reincarnation and souls meeting up in multiple lives. At the same time, he makes it clear that one need not be Buddhist to understand all soulmate concepts. If you are looking for a soulmate, this is not a “how to” book. It is however a journey of self discovery and concepts that may well be new to you as well as an exploration of responsibility and morality. In going through this self discovery process you will be better able to discern what it is that is most important to you and in the process will be in a better position to recognize a soulmate in the proper sense.
Spiritual self-awareness and relationships – a thoughtful look at love and intimate connections
By Jed Shlackman, Vine Voice Top 1000 Reviewer on May 15, 2017
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This is a thoughtful and provocative look at the nature of relationships, especially romantic ones, and how they serve our spiritual development. The author has a perspective that integrates multiple spiritual and philosophical ideas – from Buddhism to Existentialism – and that considers the role of reincarnation in the unfolding of human lives. Sze presents the concept of an ideal of “true romantic love” vs “phantom romantic love.” The phantom version tends to contain projections of insecurities, personal imbalances, and ego defenses, and reflects dependency and co-dependency. The “true” version is more associated with universal or unconditional love and appears when a person is more psychologically whole and self-aware. This book explores a lot of valuable ideas and covers a wide range of issues that are relevant to intimate relationships. The one weakness, in my view, is that the author sort of glosses over the notion which some other teachings propose, that romantic love is a “special” love that has a person focus their love and caring toward a single person rather than all people and all Life. Sze sees romantic love as an ideal path toward developing universal love; I agree it can be a useful tool to help stimulate the feelings and motivation toward Divine Re-Union, however it can also become a distraction or illusion, and it may not be a vital part of everyone’s path or the soul’s agenda for a particular lifetime as the author seems to presume. The author generally exhibits much insight and awareness in his discussion of spiritual concepts, which enables him to discuss the spiritual role of relationships with more depth and clarity than many other authors. I found this book to be a worthwhile read and a good examination of the subject of love and romance and how we understand our relationships and ourselves.
Thought Provoking If Seeking A Soulmate Or Relationship Growth, But Didn’t Help Me Gain Clarity After Loss Of Romantic Soulmate
Robin, Vine Voice Top 500 Reviewer on November 11, 2017
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The Sacred Path Of The Soulmate seems beneficial as an exercise in self awareness for those looking for a romantic soulmate, or who don’t feel satisfaction or growth in a current relationship. This book may help the reader gain new perspective on a partner’s personality traits, like low self esteem, or negative behaviors like addiction or adultery that may be detrimental to the relationship. It may help one reflect and draw boundaries as to what behavior one is willing to accept or decide if the relationship has enough potential to try and work through behaviors negatively impacting the relationship. Perhaps the reader will reflect and decide that their relationship will never be the right type and that it’s time to move on in order to be open to a relationship where there’s more fulfillment and spiritual growth.
The author believes that spiritual growth occurs primarily through one’s involvement with a true romantic soulmate. He provides hypothetical scenarios and poses many questions for the reader to contemplate to sort out how one feels about the acceptability of personality traits and negative behaviors that he explains carry over into this life because certain life lessons have not yet been completed in past lives. The author highlights differences between a true romantic relationship with a soulmate and “relationship imposters” like “phantom love” or “relationship employment”. I see this as a nonjudgmental workbook that challenges the reader to think about whether they are in a spiritually dead end relationship, or whether the relationship has growth potential where shortcomings can be overcome. If lucky, the reader shares his or her life with a true romantic soulmate, but that’s not to say the relationship will be free of strife and pain.
While I found it philosophically confusing at times, this book seems worthwhile for readers seeking a more spiritual viewpoint on love and relationships rather than a “how to” guide. For me, however, this was a painful book to read as I’m still grieving the recent death of my husband. I thought from the title that this book might help me gain some clarity as I face so many unresolved questions following the loss of my true romantic soulmate. I felt this book reconfirmed that my husband was my true romantic soulmate, and this book does briefly discuss reincarnation concepts- like that we come back to Earth over and over again to master life lessons and will reunite with soulmates. But it didn’t go far enough to raise my awareness about questions I have surrounding the great love and pain shared in this life with my true romantic soulmate or expand my awareness as to what “sacred path” we may be on now or in the future.
Interesting exploration of romantic love
Terry, Vine Voice on May 30, 201
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The Sacred Path of the Soulmate: Embracing True Romantic Love by Gerald Sze is an exploration of our thoughts and feelings and concepts of romantic love and the idea of soulmates. Note: This is not a book on how to find romantic love or how to rekindle your relationship.
Mr. Sze discusses in depth the spiritual aspect of romantic love but does not neglect the difficulties that can arise within such intense relationships. He offers numerous examples of couples to illustrate the thoughts he puts forth, which was very interesting to me.
Because Mr. Sze is an existential spiritual philosopher, there is much discussion on Eastern and Buddhist spiritual concepts including reincarnation however, it is accessible to anyone, no matter what your belief system is. As an atheist, I still found the book thought provoking and I came away with a new appreciation for my relationship with my soulmate of 45 years.
Manual on romantic love and finding one’s soulmate
Eugeniaon July 10, 2017
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This is a very thoughtful book and it is concise and to the point. Author is an existential philosopher who explains very well what is the difference between romantic love and the so called love relationship between two people. Basically, anyone can enter the relationship and follow the script that can determine if one is compatible with another person, or not. But embracing the soulmate with true love is a whole another approach to life. It was the first time that I was introduced to the idea of “relationship employment” and I was taken in by the idea because I found it to be so true. One only has to look around their surroundings and can easily identify couples in our own circle of friends who fall into this category.
So many people crave relationships so much that they are willing to compromise their own needs and desires and needs in order to be with someone. They basically have to pass the test that they are capable of meeting someone else’s needs while forsaking their own. So they enter the relationship employment where they agree to be treated like an object who meets the other person’s needs. Of course, this kind of relationship cannot possibly have lasting happiness. Many people spend their entire life being someone else’s “relationship employee” in exchange for basic needs such as home of financial stability. But those relationships are so deeply dysfunctional that even if they last a lifetime, they over time bring misery to both parties: emotional, physical and spiritual. For many people this misery manifests as illness.
Author takes a Buddhist approach to evaluating different types of relationships and explaining what romantic love truly is and why is it important to remain curious and diligent about our connection with our significant other. One has to create new experiences, new way of looking at things in order to evaluate and reflect on the quality of the relationship. It is important for both individuals in relationship to be involved in maintaining that connection. It helps if both people are growing emotionally and spiritually at the same pace or else the romantic connection will fade away.
I love that author explains that for every human being it is important to dive into reflecting deeply about our own needs. It takes courage to step back and evaluate how a person can change themselves and not get involved with placing the blame on others. Romantic love takes constant work and hence lots of energy. Therefore if you have a partner who is spending their time on internet fishing for a better catch, or spends time texting with their “friends” who are flirting or even providing virtual sex services under the excuse that non penetrative sex is not sex, or you have a partner who is dwelling on their former relationship from 10 years ago, be aware that if they are not willing for change and have a laser focus on you as their partner at this very moment, the relationship is futile.
I would recommend this book to every person at any age. But the lessons from the book are very helpful to younger generations. If understood correctly, the book will help a person recognize early signs of dysfunction and help them determine if they should stay in a relationship or walk away.
A Different Take on how we Can Learn from the People We Know
Lynn May, Vine Voice on August 3, 2017|
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I thought this was a pretty practical viewpoint on relationships and probably some good advice for folks that are really trying to get more out of their relationships.
I felt like this book would work with almost any type relationship and offers something that I’ve often felt, that we learn most from the people we are close to and it’s up to us to get the most out of it and decide whether we want to stay in or let go of different relationships depending on what we get out of them and what we can give.
If you’re trying to see relationships from a more spiritual view point this is a nice place to start and the author is adept at relating his view points of different types of relationships and the way we can learn from them.
Broad in scope, fresh approach.
Greeny, Vine Voice on June 25, 2017
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This is an investigation into the essence of romantic love. I found that much of the author’s inquiry is just not discussed. Instead it is represented in the arts and is thought of as a shared feeling. Yet the author went through quite a process to deconstruct that and offer something fresh.
Even so, there were parts I didn’t understand. I’m not disagreeing with any of it, just saying it’s a lot to grasp.
Enduring love takes work
Epiladyon February 6, 2018
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To enjoy this book, readers must be willing to think outside the corporeal body. The author clearly believes in reincarnations and loving beyond the bounds of an earthly body. Love is an active act that take energy and commitment. While people may think bliss means love, that’s not necessarily true, and Sze explains why that is. The act of being vulnerable is dangerous and scary, requiring trust – and there are always more layers to peel back. Romantic love requires working on connection and growth – it doesn’t mean remaining in the same place forever, and sometimes just living through those moments of being out-of-sync. The author also touches on the important concept that a person must also know their own needs and be able to meet many of them; it’s important not to be co-dependendent on another, and work towards personal change and self-fulfillment.
This is not a “how to meet your soulmate” type of book, but a look at strong, long-lasting and deep relationships and may be a litmus of where someone is in their relationship.
Ottawa Life Magazine
By: Maria Alejandra
Award-wining author and existential philosopher, Gerald Sze, challenges relationships status quo by exploring the nature of true romantic love based on self-awareness, courage and compassion. He has studied and conducted research in the fields of romantic relationships and spirituality for nearly 30 years. His explorations have included Eastern and Western philosophy, divination and comparative religion, as well as an immersion in Buddhism. His first book, Changing Fate through Reincarnation, won in the Spiritual category at the 2013 London Book Festival and in the Philosophy category of the 2014 Beverly Hills Books Awards. Sze lives in Vancouver.
The Sacred Path of the Soulmate is his most recent book. This book provides new hope for individuals seeking a deeply meaningful relationship. As Sze explains, by seeing the relational path as a spiritual path, we tap into the power of romantic relationships to bring us closer to our true inner nature as beings of divine love and compassion.
In The Sacred Path of the Soulmate, philosopher Gerald Sze challenges our understanding of the purpose of romantic love and the concept of the soulmate. Contrary to the widely held perception of a soulmate as a partner who brings us nonstop bliss, Sze defines this special role as someone whose presence challenges us to grow; heal and evolve, even though that growth may be painful at times.
Practical and inspiring, The Sacred Path of the Soulmate, combines Buddhist principles and Western philosophy with Sze´s findings from more than a decade of interviews with couples and individuals from all walks of life. Frank and often funny, the book draws on real relationship stories to illustrate its messages, bolstered by wide ranging philosophical inquiry.
ON this journey of personal development thought romantic love, readers will discover:
• How to support and connect with your beloved while developing a positive and independent identity;
• The difference between true romantic love and what Sze calls “phantom romantic love,” an all-too-common phenomenon that can keep individuals trapped in stale or dysfunctional relationships;
• Fresh insights into the pain of heartbreak, and tips for finding forgiveness and personal growth following a break-up or infidelity;
• How to keep passion alive in a long-term relationship rooted in true romantic love.
Today´s ruthless digital dating world is ruled by a skewed perspective on romantic love. We fall into transactional relationships that meet our personal checklists of criteria, rather than seeking deep connection and long-term mutual growth. In so doing, we miss out on the most important gift that romantic relationships offer: the potential to transform each of us into a better person.
By: Adam Kay
In his book, “The Sacred Path of the Soulmate”, Gerald Sze offers a wellspring of relationship wisdom. Sze eloquently articulates the differences between what he refers to as “employment relationships” versus “true romantic love relationships”. Sze uses the concept of true romantic love not in a schmarmy, feel-good, Hollywood sense, but rather as a transcendent power we can harness to heal our past wounds and become better people, not only for ourselves but for those we truly love. If you are looking for an unusually insightful yet practical foray into the intricacies of love, life, responsibility, and spirituality, this is the book for you.